Music. Life. Bodies. Fitness. Exersize. Life. We all have it. We all want it. Well fantasize no more...
With me, your best friend, SPOD!
This journey is designed for the non runner, the human who wants to get fit, but just can't find the time, or the motivation to really make it happen. I decided to start my trek through the valleys of unfitatude toward conquering the evils of Mt Fitness as winter took its icy grip on my soul, and I was preparing to start my new record. Well the time has begun.
In 9 weeks, mid Spring, I'm going to start writing & recording my new album, as you can't write and record a party in winter, so I want to be a pillar of maximum health & power to create the greatest album I can, and look super hot when accepting my grammy. So starting July 20th, i'm getting FIT for FANTASY!!! WHY NO ONE HAS MIXED THE MAGICAL POWERS OF FANTASY, AND THE REALITY OF EXERSIZE UNTIL NOW, I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!
Now, I can hear you saying now 'I know you make the greatest jams in the world, but why should I care if you get fit'? Good question;
1: It's not me, it's WE who will be getting fit!!!
2: Every week i'm going to tailor make a work out tape that will be custom made to the rhythm of your running schedule!!! Slow jams for walking, party jams for running!!
3: Word! You get fit AND get a new Spod record! Every week!!!
4: The guys n gals will be wowsering at your babeatude.
5: I'll be blogging about my progress after every run! WOW....
6: Hopefully by Week 9 we'll all be addicted to running and super fit and will enjoy being alive and everything!!!
Now, I have no idea about fitness, so i'm going to use this website my friend showed me for their work out plan for two reasons. 1. Its seems to be a good plan. 2. It's called Cool Running!!! Mon! Now follow this link and bookmark the workout, or just click here to download the workout. Now your ready!!!! They make good sense that you shouldn't rush out and run your nutboobs off before your body is ready, so 20 mins to 30 mins, 3 times a week seems totally doable. BUT THERE'S MORE!!!!
Ok, now the exciting bit. Starting on Monday, the 27th of July, i'm going to start uploading SPODs FANTASYZE JAMS!!! 1 for each week, as each week the program changes it's times and goals and i'll program music to go with your running regime. You run 3 times a week, with a day in between each run. Whatever day is good, but i'm going to run Monday, Wednesday & Fridays (or Saturdays if the Friday party steals my will to run), so feel free to run with me. Jazzy.
It's all the excitement of reality TV, mixed with the endless power of the internet, enhanced by the deep realm of fantasy and the ultimate satisfaction of EXERSIZE!!! YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!
27TH JULY - 21st SEPTEMBER! Stop fantasizing about that new body, dummy!!! FANTASIZE!! WITH SPOD!!!!